Round Table Analgesia

18 DICEMBRE, ORE 13:00 CET "Opioid free: is it really the end of an era?"
Relatori: Chiara Adami, DVM, PhD, Dip. ECVAA, Dip.ACVA, University of Cambridge (UK), Elisa Bortolami DVM, Ph.D, Dip. ECVAA, MRCVS Clinica Veterinaria San Marco (IT), Paulo Steagall, MV, Ms, PhD, DACVAA, City University of Hong Kong (HK)and University of Montreal (CA)
Opioids are the cornerstone of acute pain management both in human and veterinary medicine. In people they are also prescribed as long-term analgesic drugs, while in animals opioids are used mainly in hospitalized patients. Like any drugs they are not devoid of side effects, including respiratory depression, nausea, vomiting, constipation, tolerance, dependence, potentials for addiction, and immunomodulation. Nevertheless, the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of opioids in small animals differ from those in humans.
Veterinary analgesia has evolved massively during the last decades, and treatment options such as interventional loco-regional anaesthesia and non-pharmacological analgesic techniques (e.g., laser and acupuncture) are now commonly performed in animals. Opioid-free anaesthesia is an approach that minimizes or eliminates the use of opioids in the perioperative period.
Clinical implications
Opioid are effective drugs in small animals with dose dependent side effects. The pro and cons of and opioid sparing analgesia must be considered before choosing the anaesthetic protocol. An opioid- sparing approach may be more suitable especially for veterinarians who are confident in local anaesthetic techniques.
Analgesia Round Table - AVA Accredited CPD
L'evento fa parte di una serie di tavole rotonde online interattive dedicate all’Anestesia e all’Analgesia, sotto la direzione della Dr.ssa Elisa Bortolami, DVM, PhD, dip. ECVAA, MRCVS e coordinatrice del Reparto di Anestesia e Analgesia della Clinica Veterinaria San Marco.
Ogni tavola rotonda durerà 90 minuti e vedrà la partecipazione, di volta in volta, di due specialisti di fama mondiale, che affronteranno in modo approfondito una tematica specifica di questa disciplina, e risponderanno alle eventuali domande dei partecipanti in tempo reale.
Le tavole rotonde sono patrocinate dall'Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists e si terrà in lingua inglese
Il costo di ogni round table è di Euro 90 + iva
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