Round Table Analgesia

19 NOVEMBRE, ORE 20:00 CET "BEYOND THE ANXIETY: the “analgesic” side of psycotropic drugs"
Relatori: Elisa Bortolami DVM, Ph.D, Dip. ECVAA, MRCVS Clinica Veterinaria San Marco (IT) Jaume Fatjo, DVM, Dip. ECAWBM(Behaviour), Autonomous University of Barcelona (SP) Uccheddu Stefania, DVM, Ph.D, MSc, Dip. ECAWBM, Clinica Veterinaria San Marco (IT)
Psychotropic drugs are commonly prescribed to manage anxiety disorders. However, recent research suggests that these drugs may have additional benefits beyond anxiolysis, including potential analgesic effects. Some studies have demonstrated that psychotropic drugs, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), can reduce pain perception in both humans and animals. This analgesic effect is thought to be mediated by several mechanisms, including:
- Modulation of descending pain pathways: Psychotropic drugs can increase the activity of descending pain inhibitory pathways, thereby reducing the transmission of pain signals to the brain.
- Enhancement of endogenous pain modulation: These drugs can also enhance the body's natural pain-relieving mechanisms, such as the release of endorphins and enkephalins.
- Reduction of central sensitization: Psychotropic drugs can reduce the central sensitization, a phenomenon that occurs when the nervous system becomes hypersensitive to pain signals.
Clinical Implications:
The analgesic properties of psychotropic drugs may have important clinical implications for the management of chronic pain conditions. For example, these drugs may be used as adjuvants to traditional analgesics, to improve pain relief and reduce the risk of side effects.
While the analgesic properties of psychotropic drugs are promising, further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms of action and to determine the optimal use of these drugs in the treatment of chronic pain.
Analgesia Round Table - AVA Accredited CPD
L'evento fa parte di una serie di tavole rotonde online interattive dedicate all’Anestesia e all’Analgesia, sotto la direzione della Dr.ssa Elisa Bortolami, DVM, PhD, dip. ECVAA, MRCVS e coordinatrice del Reparto di Anestesia e Analgesia della Clinica Veterinaria San Marco.
Ogni tavola rotonda durerà 90 minuti e vedrà la partecipazione, di volta in volta, di due specialisti di fama mondiale, che affronteranno in modo approfondito una tematica specifica di questa disciplina, e risponderanno alle eventuali domande dei partecipanti in tempo reale.
Le tavole rotonde sono patrocinate dall'Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists e si terrà in lingua inglese
Il costo di ogni round table è di Euro 90 + iva
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