Round Table Analgesia

4 DICEMBRE, ORE 20:00 CET "Interventional Analgesia: is this the beginning of a new era?"
Relatori: Elisa Bortolami DVM, Ph.D, Dip. ECVAA, MRCVS Clinica Veterinaria San Marco (IT), Fernando Martinez Taboada, DVM, PhD, Dip. ECVAA, Sydney Animal Pain Clinic (AU), Pablo Otero,DVM, PhD. University of Buenos Aires (AR)
Interventional analgesia is a branch of pain management involving specialized invasive procedures to alleviate pain. While procedures such nerve blocks and epidural injections have been used in veterinary anaesthesia for several years, their use beyond the perioperative period is relatively new. The primary goal of interventional analgesia is to provide effective and long- lasting pain relief while minimizing the use of systemic drugs and their potential side effects.
In people interventional analgesia include also interventions such as: radiofrequency ablation, spinal cord stimulation and intrathecal drug delivery. Generally interventional analgesia is used together with systemic drug administration and physical therapy.
Clinical applications:
- Interventional analgesia, in the form of single or continuous peripheral nerve blocks, epidural injections, is useful to treat acute and chronic pain in small animals.
- Pro and cons of interventional analgesia techniques as well as indications and contra-indications must be considered before performing them.
Analgesia Round Table - AVA Accredited CPD
L'evento fa parte di una serie di tavole rotonde online interattive dedicate all’Anestesia e all’Analgesia, sotto la direzione della Dr.ssa Elisa Bortolami, DVM, PhD, dip. ECVAA, MRCVS e coordinatrice del Reparto di Anestesia e Analgesia della Clinica Veterinaria San Marco.
Ogni tavola rotonda durerà 90 minuti e vedrà la partecipazione, di volta in volta, di due specialisti di fama mondiale, che affronteranno in modo approfondito una tematica specifica di questa disciplina, e risponderanno alle eventuali domande dei partecipanti in tempo reale.
Le tavole rotonde sono patrocinate dall'Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists e si terrà in lingua inglese
Il costo di ogni round table è di Euro 90 + iva
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